What are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling?

Remember what it felt like to ride a bike for the first time? In many countries, bikes are the means of transportation to and from get off work. Now the bike is not only a green transportation means, it is also a way for people to lose weight healthily. Cycling is now popular with many people because it can not only play the role of fitness exercise, but also enjoy the scenery along the way.

With the improvement of people's living standards and the strengthening of awareness of health and environmental protection, more and more people choose outdoor sports, and it has become a fashion to ride a bike to travel and exercise. Especially choosing to buy mid-to-high-end electric bikes, mountain bikes, and road bikes has become a trend. But do you understand the advantages and disadvantages of cycling?

Benefits of Cycling

1. Lose Weight and Lose Weight
When riding a bike, people use aerobic respiration, which is a relatively healthy weight loss exercise. When riding a bike, people will consume excess energy and fat in the body, and reduce the accumulation of fat while consuming fat, so that persistence can play a good role in losing weight.

2. Develop The Cerebellum and Exercise The Ability of Balance
The human cerebellum is responsible for the regulation of body balance and muscle tension. In the process of cycling, people need the cerebellum to cooperate to maintain the balance of the body, so that the cerebellum can be stimulated and the cerebellum can be exercised to control the body. The enhancement of the motor control ability of the cerebellum is equivalent to enhancing the balance and coordination of the human body, and it plays a positive role in the regulation of human movement. This effectively trains the human brain's responsiveness and flexibility, making the body more responsive, healthier and more active.

3. Exercise Leg and Waist Muscle Strength
The main muscles that people mobilize when riding a bike are the leg muscles and the waist muscles, which can make the muscles here more powerful, thereby reducing the probability of injury here. Some people can even reduce lumbar muscle strain, lumbar disc herniation and other symptoms by cycling. Under normal driving, the number of laps for walking a 100-meter leg is about 50 times. If you have to walk longer distances, the more laps you will make, the better your chances of developing your leg muscles. Exercise your leg muscles and make your leg muscles more sculpted.

4. Relieve Stress and Relax Your Mind
When riding a bike, people need to focus on the road conditions, so that the pressure caused by other things can be relieved and the mood can be relaxed. After a cycling exercise, people will no longer be entangled in those messy things. . When cycling, you can breathe the fresh air outside and see the beautiful environment. Nothing less than a way to reduce stress!

5. Increase Your Cardiopulmonary Function
Riding a bike every day can also enhance your cardiopulmonary function. The high heat energy brought by cycling can effectively increase one's own metabolism and make the blood flow smoothly. According to scientific research, cycling is also a good tool for preventing heart problems. So if you want to avoid heart problems, ride a bike.

6. Free Sightseeing Scenery
Ride your own bike and go sightseeing with your friends whenever you have time. Being in close contact with nature can not only increase your interest, but also enhance your friendship with your friends. And cycling does not pollute the environment. It's really a good way to please the mind.

7. Environmental Protection and Money Saving
Cycling can save money and protect the environment, which is the most intuitive benefit. This not only saves the money for the car or the fuel for the car, but also reduces carbon dioxide emissions, which saves resources.

Disadvantages of Cycling

1. Traffic Safety Hazards
Be careful not to ride a bike on the road. Do not choose the urban road as the exercise site when cycling for exercise. On the one hand, driving on the road is easy to cause traffic accidents. Therefore, you should choose to ride in the suburbs or the countryside, and avoid riding on the urban roads often.

2. Riding Safety
If cycling is used as a sport, then protective equipment must be fully equipped. Wear a helmet when exercising on a bike because it can effectively reduce the chance of concussion when you fall off the bike. Insurance regulations in the United States stipulate that a helmet must be worn when riding a bike, otherwise there is no compensation for an accident. In addition, the commonly used protective gear when cycling includes knee pads, ankle pads, elbow pads and wrist pads, which can prevent sprains, contusions and other injuries while driving.

3. Impact on The Lower Body
Cycling can put pressure on the buttocks and pubic area, which can impede blood circulation. If you ride for a long time, it may cause congestion and swelling of the human prostate, causing prostatitis and other diseases. Choose a wider and softer seat cushion, and adjust the seat height for the best feeling and comfort. If the seat is too hard, you can use a foam plastic to make a soft seat cover on the seat to reduce the friction of the seat on the genitals.

4. Opponent's Damage
When riding a bike, both hands should hold the handlebar tightly. If you pedal uphill and the speed increases, the wrist joint will inevitably be overstretched. If you are not careful, it may cause the wrist joint to be strained. Therefore, it is necessary to move the wrist in a timely manner, and try to avoid the damage to the hand caused by the cycling.

5. Injuries to The Cervical and Lumbar Spine
Be careful with your posture while riding. If the posture is not correct, excessive forward leaning, raising the head and tilting the neck will inevitably make the neck muscles tense, and at the same time, the pressure on the waist will be relatively large. In addition, long-term cycling can easily lead to lumbar muscle strain and neck strain. When riding for a long time, pay attention to changing the riding position, or walk for a short time before continuing to ride.

There are many benefits of cycling. As long as the cyclist pays a little attention and avoids some bad habits and operation methods during the cycling process, there are only advantages and no disadvantages in cycling!